This workshop will bring together experimentalists, theorists and computational scientists from academia and industry. Magnetism at surfaces and interfaces is of continually increasing importance as size scale of structures of greatest interest continues to decrease, and in many cases dominates the magnetic properties. Interfaces are wholly responsible for novel two-dimensional magnetism in complex oxides, and surfaces and interfaces have bearing on the materials properties of new magnetic systems such as multiferroics (materials hosting both a permanent magnetism and one or more other types of spontaneous ordering such as a permanent electric polarization); on aspects of the classical physics materials relevant to current applications (especially thin magnetic films, spin dynamics, and nanomagnetic systems); and on problems in quantum magnetism such as quantum-fluctuation induced spin order and quantum tunneling of magnetization.

The Magnetic North III workshop will consider the spectrum of experimental, theoretical and numerical simulation approaches to the understanding of these phenomena. How they are linked to the resulting magnetic characteristics is a challenging goal of much of the current research in magnetism. These efforts can reveal both potential new technological applications and new physics.

Important deadlines
Abstract submissions: April 13, 2012
Notification of accepted abstracts: by April 20, 2012
On-line registration closes:  midnight Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) May 27, 2012

Cancellations must be received in writing on or before May 8, 2012 in order to be reimbursed the full registration fee less a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be issued after this date

For travel and additional information click here.
Download the MN-III poster by clicking here

Past Workshops
Magnetic North II
Magnetic North I

Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress - June 11-15, 2012 at University of Calgary
To facilitate travel to and scheduling of the workshop for participants, both the MM-III timing and location have been chosen in concordance with the Canadian Association of Physicists Congress to be held at the University of Calgary from June 11-15, 2012 ( ).