Dr. G.E.W. Bauer, Delft/Tohoku
Dr. M. Fitzsimmons, Losa Alamos National Lab
Dr. O. Heinonen, ANL
Dr. M. Plumer, Memorial U.
Dr. B. W. Southern, U. of Manitoba
Dr. H.T. Diep, Cergy-Pontoise
Dr. J. Freeland, ANL
Dr. J. Moreland, NIST Boulder
Dr. P. Stamp, UBC
Dr. M. Stiles, NIST Gaithersburg
View the
MN-III program here
Thursday, June 7, 2012
- Registration at the Delta Banff Royal Canadian Lodge
- Informal pub gathering at the Elk & Oarsman
Friday, June 8, 2012
- Registration continues
- Workshop program begins
- Reception & poster session (20:00-21:30)
Free to all registrants and accompanying persons. The first hour of the<
reception will be used for a poster session. Please prepare your posters to
fit within a one (1) metre wide x 1.5 metre tall format (portrait orientation).
Saturday, June 9, 2012
- Program continues
- Excursions (15:00-19:30)
Banquet (20:00) - Free to all delegates. There will be a few additional seats
available for accompanying persons, on a first-request basis at a cost of $50 cash.
Please let the organizers know if you wish to bring a guest.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
- Program concludes with lunch at 12:30